Clinical and Research Timeline (10-14 weeks) - WAITLIST CROSSOVER PATIENTS
For NON-waitlist patients, use the standard Cheat Sheet

Waitlist crossover patients undergo a wait period of at least 8 weeks BEFORE they crossover and start the 10-14 week 3MDR therapy program. There are some differences in data collection, mainly doing the baseline survey and CAPS-5 interview before and after the wait period.

Clinician Reference
Clinician TODO (ideally before first 3MDR client):

Initial Data and Wait Period

At a session before wait period:
Wait Period
8 weeks or more wait period with treatment as usual, before 3MDR program
3MDR Preparatory Sessions (weeks 0-2)
At Preparatory Session #1:
Preparatory Session #1
(Week 1, 1-2 hrs) With video recording (more info)
Verbal Clinical Summary
(3 min) End of Preparatory Session #1, speaking into video camera, provide brief clinical summary (more info)

At Preparatory Session #2:
Preparatory Session #2
(Week 2, 1-2 hrs) With video recording (more info)
Verbal Clinical Summary
(3 min) End of Preparatory Session #2, speaking into video camera, provide brief clinical summary (more info)

3MDR Treadmill Sessions (weeks 3-8)
At each treadmill session:
Turn on and setup equipment, turn on video recording (more info)
3MDR Treadmill Session
(45-60 min) (more info)
Debriefing and Reconsolidation
(10-15 min) With video recording (more info)
Verbal Clinical Summary
(3 min) Speaking into video camera, provide brief clinical summary (more info)
Take Down
Turn off video recording, turn off equipment (more info)

Optional Additional Treadmill Sessions (weeks 9-10 or 9-12)
  • Typically, patients receive 6 treadmill sessions
  • Clinician may offer 2 or 4 additional treadmill sessions
  • Maximum of 10 treadmill sessions total
2 Optional Treadmill Sessions
After Treadmill Session #6, patient is assessed and clinician may offer Treadmill Sessions #7 and 8
2 Optional Treadmill Sessions
After Treadmill Session #8, patient is assessed and clinician may offer Treadmill Sessions #9 and 10

3MDR Reconsolidation Sessions (weeks 9-10, 11-12, or 13-14)
Reconsolidation sessions are at weeks 9-10, 11-12, or 13-14, depending on whether additional treadmill sessions are offered and how many.
At Reconsolidation Session #1:
Reconsolidation Session #1
(Week 9, 11, or 13: 1-2 hrs) With video recording (more info)
Verbal Clinical Summary
(3 min) End of Reconsolidation Session #1, speaking into video camera, provide brief clinical summary (more info)

At Reconsolidation Session #2:
Reconsolidation Session #2
(Week 10, 12, or 14: 1-2 hrs) With video recording (more info)
Verbal Clinical Summary
(3 min) End of Reconsolidation Session #2, speaking into video camera, provide brief clinical summary (more info)